Pet Chemotherapy
Help your pet live the life they deserve.
If your pet has been diagnosed with cancer, chemotherapy may be an option for them. Chemotherapy can slow the spread of cancer, shrink tumors prior to surgery, and buy precious time with terminally ill pets. If Chemo is something you and your family would like to pursue our veterinaians will provide you with a referral to a veterinary oncologist or internist. A consulation with one of these veterinary specialists will provide you and your family an opportunity to discuss all your options.
How does chemotherapy work?
Chemotherapy drugs attack cancer cells in pets the same way they attack cancer cells in people. Protocols vary from pet to pet and are determined based upon the type of cancer, the stage of cancer, the pet’s current health, and their medical history. Prior to starting chemotherapy, your veterinarian will go over your pet’s treatment options and discuss any potential side effects.
The number of chemotherapy treatments your pet will need is based upon the type of cancer they have, their response to treatment, and the specific treatment goals you and your veterinarian have created. Pets who go into remission will be able to taper off their treatments, but others may require chemotherapy for the remainder of their life.